I tried to extend Proxy, like so:
class ObservableObject extends Proxy {}
I used Babel to transpile it to ES5, and I got this error in the browser:
app.js:15 Uncaught TypeError: Object prototype may only be an Object or null: undefined
I looked at the line of code it pointed to. Here's that portion of the code with arrows pointing to the offending line of code:
var ObservableObject = exports.ObservableObject = function (_Proxy) {
_inherits(ObservableObject, _Proxy); // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
function ObservableObject() {
_classCallCheck(this, ObservableObject);
return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, Object.getPrototypeOf(ObservableObject).apply(this, arguments));
return ObservableObject;
Does anyone know why I might be getting this error? Is this a bug in Babel? What is supposed to happen when you try to extend Proxy?
Well, I had forgotten about this question, but someone recently upvoted it. Even though you technically can't extend a proxy, there is a way to force a class to instantiate as a proxy and force all its subclasses to instantiate as proxies with the same property descriptor functions (I've only tested this in Chrome):
class ExtendableProxy {
constructor() {
return new Proxy(this, {
set: (object, key, value, proxy) => {
object[key] = value;
console.log('PROXY SET');
return true;
class ChildProxyClass extends ExtendableProxy {}
let myProxy = new ChildProxyClass();
// Should set myProxy.a to 3 and print 'PROXY SET' to the console:
myProxy.a = 3;