I'm trying to making a weather app that displays the weather and the temperature of many days of the week. I'm currently using openweathermap api for such task, the thing is that the information that I want (that is the date of the weather) only comes in xml format. Since I'm rebuilding it in ES6(ES2015) for academic reasons I wanted to also use the fetch api but since the fetch method parses it, it just delivers an error. so how can i fetch it or mby there is a better way to do it.
let apis = {
currentWeather: { //get user selected recomendation weather
parameters: "&mode=xml&units=metric&cnt=6&APPID=/*api key*/",
url: (lat, lon) => {
return apis.currentWeather.api + lat + "&lon=" + lon +
function getCurrentLoc() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => navigator.geolocation
.getCurrentPosition(resolve, reject))
function getCurrentCity(location) {
const lat = location.coords.latitude;
const lon = location.coords.longitude;
return fetch(apis.currentWeather.url(lat, lon))
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data))
.then( coords => getCurrentCity(coords))
Using native DOMParser getCurrentCity(location) can be written:
function getCurrentCity(location) {
const lat = location.coords.latitude;
const lon = location.coords.longitude;
return fetch(apis.currentWeather.url(lat, lon))
.then(response => response.text())
.then(str => (new window.DOMParser()).parseFromString(str, "text/xml"))
.then(data => console.log(data))