Angular 2 Hover event

Ronin picture Ronin · Jun 7, 2016 · Viewed 312.3k times · Source

In the new Angular2 framework, does anyone know the proper way to do a hover like an event?

In Angular1 there was ng-Mouseover, but that doesn't seem to have been carried over.

I've looked through the docs and haven't found anything.


Vikash Dahiya picture Vikash Dahiya · Oct 14, 2016

If you want to perform a hover like event on any HTML element, then you can do it like this.


 <div (mouseenter) ="mouseEnter('div a') "  (mouseleave) ="mouseLeave('div A')">
        <h2>Div A</h2>
 <div (mouseenter) ="mouseEnter('div b')"  (mouseleave) ="mouseLeave('div B')">
        <h2>Div B</h2>


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'basic-detail',
    templateUrl: 'basic.component.html',
export class BasicComponent{

   mouseEnter(div : string){
      console.log("mouse enter : " + div);

   mouseLeave(div : string){
     console.log('mouse leave :' + div);

You should use both mouseenter and mouseleave events inorder to implement fully functional hover events in angular 2.