I am trying to trim the text which I get from kendo editor like this.
var html = " T "; // This sample text I get from Kendo editor
console.log("Actual :" + html + ":");
var text = "";
try {
// html decode
var editorData = $('<div/>').html(html).text();
text = editorData.trim();
console.log("After trim :" + text + ":");
catch (e) {
text = html;
This code is in seperate js file ( generated from typescript). When the page loads the trimming is not working. But when I run the same code in developer tools console window its working. Why it is not working?
Adding typescript code
const html: string = $(selector).data("kendoEditor").value();
console.log("Actual :" + html + ":");
let text: string = "";
try {
// html decode
var editorData = $('<div/>').html(html).text();
text = editorData.trim();
console.log("After trim :" + text + ":");
catch (e) {
text = html;
becomes a non-break-space character, \u00a0
. JavaScript's String#trim
is supposed to remove those, but historically browser implementations have been a bit buggy in that regard. I thought those issues had been resolved in modern ones, but...
If you're running into browsers that don't implement it correctly, you can work around that with a regular expression:
text = editorData.replace(/(?:^[\s\u00a0]+)|(?:[\s\u00a0]+$)/g, '');
That says to replace all whitespace or non-break-space chars at the beginning and end with nothing.
But having seen your comment:
When I run this piece of code separately, it is working fine for me. But in application its failing.
...that may not be it.
Alternately, you could remove the
markup before converting to text:
html = html.replace(/(?:^(?: )+)|(?:(?: )+$)/g, '');
var editorData = $('<div/>').html(html).text();
text = editorData.trim();
That removes any
s at the beginning or end prior to converting the markup to text.