When user visits login.html page, localStorage is used to check if a user is logged in. The page should redirect to profile.html and display notofication message. The message is displayed, but the page (login.html) is the same..
if( localStorage.user_login ) {
mainView.router.loadPage({url:'profile.html', ignoreCache:true, reload:true });
myApp.addNotification( {
message: 'Welcome '+ localStorage.user_username +'!'
} );
How can i make the page redirect if the user is logged in?
put this before myApp framework7 initialization.
$$(document).on('pageInit', function (e) {
var page = e.detail.page;
if (page.name === 'index') {
var storedData = window.localStorage['f7form-'+ 'idofyourloginform'];
if(storedData) {
//do your ajax login request here
// if successful do your login redirect
mainView.router.loadPage({url:'profile.html', ignoreCache:true, reload:true });