SproutCore and Cappuccino

Majd Taby picture Majd Taby · Dec 16, 2008 · Viewed 15.6k times · Source

I'm about to build a web app and I would like to use either SproutCore or Cappuccino. Only thing is, I can't figure out which one to use...

I've been reading about them, and they seem to share the same goals (MVC on the client, with a thin REST server). I understand that they differ in their implementation (Obj-C vs JS), but I'm having a lot of trouble quantifying the differences and weighing them.

Can I get some help solving this dillema?


Schpaencoder picture Schpaencoder · Dec 17, 2008

Dilemma indeed it is.

I personally took a chance on Cappuccino, but that is because I'm currently involved in objective-c and having the theoretical possibility to plug my code (with some adjustments) into a javascript/web environment - is tempting.

Anyway, if are you doing cocoa development, you will be up and running in a matter of hours, but I'm sure you've already figured that out by yourself.

You will (in Cappuccino) have a very nice abstraction to work with. I think that matters.