How to convert strings to bigInt in JavaScript

rselvaganesh picture rselvaganesh · Apr 24, 2016 · Viewed 24.5k times · Source

I need to convert a string to BigInt like BigInteger in Javascript


var reqId = "78099864177253771992779766288266836166272662";
var result = parseInt(reqId);

Resultant value not matching since JavaScript only allows integers up to (2^53)-1.

Is there any way to overcome this?


Mathias Bynens picture Mathias Bynens · Apr 23, 2018

BigInt is now a native JavaScript language feature. It's at Stage 3 in the TC39 process and it's shipping in V8 v6.7 and Chrome 67.

To turn a string containing a valid numeric literal into a BigInt, use the global BigInt function:

const string = '78099864177253771992779766288266836166272662';
// 78099864177253771992779766288266836166272662n

If you just want to hardcode the numeric value into your code, there is no need to convert from a string; use a BigInt literal instead:

const value = 78099864177253771992779766288266836166272662n;