Getting screen reader to read new content added with JavaScript

avernet picture avernet · Sep 8, 2010 · Viewed 35.4k times · Source

When a web page is loaded, screen readers (like the one that comes with OS X, or JAWS on Windows) will read the content of the whole page. But say your page is dynamic, and as users performing an action, new content gets added to the page. For the sake of simplicity, say you display a message somewhere in a <span>. How can you get the screen reader to read that new message?


Courtney Christensen picture Courtney Christensen · Jan 6, 2011

The WAI-ARIA specification defines several ways by which screen readers can "watch" a DOM element. The best supported method is the aria-live attribute. It has modes off, polite,assertive and rude. The higher the level of assertiveness, the more likely it is to interrupt what is currently being spoken by the screen reader.

The following has been tested with NVDA under Firefox 3 and Firefox 4.0b9:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src="js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>
  <button onclick="$('#statusbar').html(new Date().toString())">Update</button>
  <div id="statusbar" aria-live="assertive"></div>

The same thing can be accomplished with WAI-ARIA roles role="status" and role="alert". I have had reports of incompatibility, but have not been able to reproduce them.

<div id="statusbar" role="status">...</div>