pixi js: drag and drop circle

mtkachenko picture mtkachenko · Apr 17, 2016 · Viewed 7.5k times · Source

I started to create simple js game using pixijs. I need drag'n'drop functionality for Graphics circle but can't find info for this. I see only this example with sprites.


Karmacon picture Karmacon · Apr 19, 2016

Drag + drop works the same way for both graphics and sprites.

var renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(800, 600, { antialias: true });

var stage = new PIXI.Container();    
stage.interactive = true;

var graphics = new PIXI.Graphics();
graphics.interactive = true;
graphics.beginFill(0xFFFF0B, 0.5);
graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, 60);
graphics.x = 100;
graphics.y = 100;

// setup events
    .on('mousedown', onDragStart)
    .on('touchstart', onDragStart)
    .on('mouseup', onDragEnd)
    .on('mouseupoutside', onDragEnd)
    .on('touchend', onDragEnd)
    .on('touchendoutside', onDragEnd)
    .on('mousemove', onDragMove)
    .on('touchmove', onDragMove);

function onDragStart(event)
    // store a reference to the data
    // the reason for this is because of multitouch
    // we want to track the movement of this particular touch
    this.data = event.data;
    this.alpha = 0.5;
    this.dragging = true;

function onDragEnd()
    this.alpha = 1;

    this.dragging = false;

    // set the interaction data to null
    this.data = null;

function onDragMove()
    if (this.dragging)
        var newPosition = this.data.getLocalPosition(this.parent);
        this.position.x = newPosition.x;
        this.position.y = newPosition.y;

// run the render loop

function animate() {

    requestAnimationFrame( animate );