Add data-attribute to selectize.js options

yong sokheng picture yong sokheng · Apr 9, 2016 · Viewed 10.1k times · Source

I am using selectize.js for my project. But I have problems with data-attributes. I want to add data-attributes to the select options. I have default select like this:

<option data-open-balance="false" selected="selected" value="1">PNP.SI.080416</option>

But When I add selectize to this select, it becomes:

<div data-value="1" data-selectable="" class="selected">PNP.SI.080416</div>

I see that its "item object" only get value, and text. So, how can I add other data-attributes to its item object?


t1m0n picture t1m0n · Apr 9, 2016

I've looked at docs and they say that if you want to add custom attributes to your elements, you should use dataAttr option, by default it data-data. So in your case code will look somethnig like this:


    <option data-data='{"openBalance": true}' selected="selected" value="1">PNP.SI.080416</option>


Here we provide custom render method to draw options with attributes we need:

    render: {
        option: function (data, escape) {
            return "<div data-open-balance='" + data.openBalance + "'>" + data.text + "</div>"


As Kyborek notes that in order to secure your site or web app from XSS, you should use escape method in render callback. Also use it if you want to display html tags in data.text. Updated example will look something like this:

    render: {
        option: function (data, escape) {
            return "<div data-open-balance='" + escape(data.openBalance) + "'>" + escape(data.text) + "</div>"