How is Node.js inherently faster when it still relies on Threads internally?

Ralph Caraveo picture Ralph Caraveo · Sep 2, 2010 · Viewed 39.3k times · Source

I just watched the following video: Introduction to Node.js and still don't understand how you get the speed benefits.

Mainly, at one point Ryan Dahl (Node.js' creator) says that Node.js is event-loop based instead of thread-based. Threads are expensive and should only be left to the experts of concurrent programming to be utilized.

Later, he then shows the architecture stack of Node.js which has an underlying C implementation which has its own Thread pool internally. So obviously Node.js developers would never kick off their own threads or use the thread pool directly...they use async call-backs. That much I understand.

What I don't understand is the point that Node.js still is using's just hiding the implementation so how is this faster if 50 people request 50 files (not currently in memory) well then aren't 50 threads required?

The only difference being that since it's managed internally the Node.js developer doesn't have to code the threaded details but underneath it's still using the threads to process the IO (blocking) file requests.

So aren't you really just taking one problem (threading) and hiding it while that problem still exists: mainly multiple threads, context switching, dead-locks...etc?

There must be some detail I still do not understand here.


jrtipton picture jrtipton · Sep 2, 2010

There are actually a few different things being conflated here. But it starts with the meme that threads are just really hard. So if they're hard, you are more likely, when using threads to 1) break due to bugs and 2) not use them as efficiently as possible. (2) is the one you're asking about.

Think about one of the examples he gives, where a request comes in and you run some query, and then do something with the results of that. If you write it in a standard procedural way, the code might look like this:

result = query( "select smurfs from some_mushroom" );
// twiddle fingers
go_do_something_with_result( result );

If the request coming in caused you to create a new thread that ran the above code, you'll have a thread sitting there, doing nothing at all while while query() is running. (Apache, according to Ryan, is using a single thread to satisfy the original request whereas nginx is outperforming it in the cases he's talking about because it's not.)

Now, if you were really clever, you would express the code above in a way where the environment could go off and do something else while you're running the query:

query( statement: "select smurfs from some_mushroom", callback: go_do_something_with_result() );

This is basically what node.js is doing. You're basically decorating -- in a way that is convenient because of the language and environment, hence the points about closures -- your code in such a way that the environment can be clever about what runs, and when. In that way, node.js isn't new in the sense that it invented asynchronous I/O (not that anyone claimed anything like this), but it's new in that the way it's expressed is a little different.

Note: when I say that the environment can be clever about what runs and when, specifically what I mean is that the thread it used to start some I/O can now be used to handle some other request, or some computation that can be done in parallel, or start some other parallel I/O. (I'm not certain node is sophisticated enough to start more work for the same request, but you get the idea.)