Is there a way to bypass Javascript / jQuery's same origin policy for local access?

ina picture ina · Aug 14, 2010 · Viewed 15.3k times · Source

Trying to use ajax, getJSON, and functions like that to fetch an external URL from a local (non-server) development computer. Is there a way to bypass the same origin policy, so that I can test locally, instead of having to upload to a server?


Vagrant picture Vagrant · Mar 12, 2011

Here's the simple answer: chrome --disable-web-security

From the source code (chrome_switches.h):

// Don't enforce the same-origin policy.  (Used by people testing their sites.)
const char kDisableWebSecurity[]            = "disable-web-security";

I wanted to use jquery.js to send AJAX calls to a Google Apps python server running on port 8080. Just for testing, I wanted to run the browser and the server on the same machine.

I don't understand all the security nuances, but for temporary development it seems like a reasonable workaround. So long as I only use chrome for testing with this flag, it shouldn't be a problem.

Here's the whole command for Mac OS X:

/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --disable-web-security