Server Side Javascript On Apache Server

Tornike Shavishvili picture Tornike Shavishvili · Dec 30, 2015 · Viewed 18.8k times · Source

We intend to use Apache server for web development. For serverside scripting we wish to use server side javascript.

What is needed to make serverside javascript work on Apache server? Is SSJS recommended to use for serverside scripting? Where can we get any information and samples about SSJS in Apache server?

Any help and information will be kindly appreciated.


gurvinder372 picture gurvinder372 · Dec 30, 2015

What is needed to make serverside javascript work on Apache server?

You include mod_js in your httpd.conf and then write JavaScript

check this article to get started

Where can we get any information and samples about SSJS in Apache server?

This is a good answer on SO which talk about running nodejs on apache