I need pathname (www.my-site.com/this-part/and-this-part/etc/) in JS/jQuery but I need it as string not as object.
In other words I need $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
in JS/jQuery.
I've tried:
var page_pathname = location.pathname;
var page_pathname = location.pathname + location.search;
var page_pathname = (location.pathname+location.search).substr(1);
All I get with console.log
1. Object {error: Object}
2. Location {hash: "", search: "", pathname: "/my-cat/my-title/", port: "", hostname: "www.my-site.com"…}
What I need with console.log
: my-cat/my-title/
is already a string.
You can also try:
This is explicit conversion to string.
will also help you in retrieving the full url.