Because I spent some (too much) time figuring out this simple requirement. I am documenting here the way to achieve multipart/form-data
body parsing with Koa.
In my case, the reason of the confusion was the number of alternatives available out there:
And I wanted to find the most minimalist/close to express/koa/node
way/philosophy of doing things.
So here it is. Below. In accepted answer. Hope this helps.
For Koa2, you can use async-busboy as other solutions dont support promises or async/await.
Example from the docs:
import asyncBusboy from 'async-busboy';
// Koa 2 middleware
async function(ctx, next) {
const {files, fields} = await asyncBusboy(ctx.req);
// Make some validation on the fields before upload to S3
if ( checkFiles(fields) ) {
} else {
return 'error';