Wow.js repeat animation every time you scroll up or down

Automatik picture Automatik · Oct 17, 2015 · Viewed 28.5k times · Source

I'm pretty new with Jquery. I would like that my animations with Wow.js could run more than once time. For instance: i scroll to the bottom of my page and see all the animations, and if i scroll back to the top i see again the animations like when you scroll down. I hope that I explained myself. I have already seen many websites that repeats the animations on theirs pages but unfortunately I don't remember them and I can't provide a link.

I have already tried this:

    new WOW().init();

But it repeat the animations also if you scroll a little and it's pretty ugly to see. I try to explain me better: I have a with my animation and if it is focused the animation is triggered, then i scroll down to another div and the previous div is no more visible(not in the window viewport), then again i scroll back to my div with animation and the animation is triggered again.

I'm sorry for this messy question but I really don't know how to explain it.

Thanks in advance!


Tony He picture Tony He · Feb 1, 2016

This example by Benoît Boucart shows how the animation can be "reset" when the user scrolls out of view and back in. The key here is the second function that removes the animation css class when the element scrolls out of view. I wish WOW.js would implement this, but they've indicated that they don't plan to.


// Showed...
$(".revealOnScroll:not(.animated)").each(function () {
  var $this     = $(this),
      offsetTop = $this.offset().top;

  if (scrolled + win_height_padded > offsetTop) {
    if ($'timeout')) {
        $this.addClass('animated ' + $'animation'));
      }, parseInt($'timeout'),10));
    } else {
      $this.addClass('animated ' + $'animation'));
// Hidden...
$(".revealOnScroll.animated").each(function (index) {
   var $this     = $(this),
       offsetTop = $this.offset().top;
   if (scrolled + win_height_padded < offsetTop) {
     $(this).removeClass('animated fadeInUp flipInX lightSpeedIn')