SAPUI5 Set Focus on Input Field

Daeron picture Daeron · Oct 16, 2015 · Viewed 27k times · Source

i have the following Problem:

I have 2 XML Views with a few input fields and at navigation to the second view the focus should be on the 5th(ID = "RueckmeldeNr") field.

I tried several things but nothing worked.. If i use the jQuery delayedCall the focus shortly flashes on the input field but is instantly set to the NavBack Button in the upper left corner.
Do i use the method false or forget something? How can i solve this?

onAfterRendering : function(oEvent) {
oInputRueck = this.getView().byId("RueckmeldeNr");
//  this.getView().byId("RueckmeldeNr").focus();
//  this.getView().byId("RueckmeldeNr").$().focus();
//, this, function() {
//      //this.getView().byId("RueckmeldeNr").focus();
//      oInputRueck.focus();
//   });
//  var oFocusInfo = this.getView().byId("RueckmeldeNr").getFocusInfo()
//  this.getView().byId("RueckmeldeNr").applyFocusInfo(oFocusInfo);, this, function() {

I hope you can help me!
Thank you


keshet picture keshet · Oct 16, 2015

Just a suggestion:

You could set focus to the required field in the view (or where ever you define it).

For example, in view1 you define:

var oInput = new sap.m.Input({id: "inputID"})
    onAfterRendering: function(){

and then, when you call the view, the focus should be set to the required field automatically.

Here is a working JSBIN example: LINK