Transition to another route on successful async redux action

Clarkie picture Clarkie · Sep 16, 2015 · Viewed 29.5k times · Source

I have a pretty simple set of react components:

  • container that hooks into redux and handles the actions, store subscriptions, etc
  • list which displays a list of my items
  • new which is a form to add a new item to the list

I have some react-router routes as follows:

<Route name='products' path='products' handler={ProductsContainer}>
  <Route name='productNew' path='new' handler={ProductNew} />
  <DefaultRoute handler={ProductsList} />

so that either the list or the form are shown but not both.

What I'd like to do is to have the application re-route back to the list once a new item has been successfully added.

My solution so far is to have a .then() after the async dispatch:


Is this the correct way to do this or should I fire another action somehow to trigger the route change?


Dan Abramov picture Dan Abramov · Oct 3, 2015

If you don't want to use a more complete solution like Redux Router, you can use Redux History Transitions which lets you write code like this:

export function login() {
  return {
    type: LOGGED_IN,
    payload: {
      userId: 123
    meta: {
      transition: (state, action) => ({
        path: `/logged-in/${action.payload.userId}`,
        query: {
          some: 'queryParam'
        state: {
          some: 'state'

This is similar to what you suggested but a tiny bit more sophisticated. It still uses the same history library under the hood so it's compatible with React Router.