I would like to sort immutable.js orderedList by property name
data.map(x => x.get("name"))
returns the string, I want to sort my map by name in alphabetical order.
How to do that? I tried:
return data.sortBy((val) => {
if (dir === "up") {
return val.get("name");
} else {
return - val.get("name");
var fiends = Immutable.fromJS([{name: 'Squirrel'}, {name: 'Cat'}, {name: 'Raccoon'}]);
var sorted = fiends.sortBy(
(f) => f.get('name')
sorted.map(x => x.get('name')).toJS(); // ["Cat", "Raccoon", "Squirrel"]
With localCompare:
(a, b) => a.get('name').localeCompare(b.get('name'))