I'm having some trouble with modifying qTip's tip size (x,y).
I tried to add the style: { tip: { x:2,y:2 } }
in all sorts of ways, but failed.
How can I add it to the following script?
// Status Tooltips Style
$.fn.qtip.styles.statusTooltips = {
background: '#333333',
color: 'white',
textAlign: 'center',
border: {
width: 1,
radius: 5,
color: '#333333'
tip: 'leftMiddle',
name: 'dark'
// Status Tooltips Init
style: 'statusTooltips',
position: {
corner: {
target: 'rightMiddle',
tooltip: 'leftBottom'
it's simpe enough:
$("#mytip").qtip({style: { tip: { size: { x: 10, y: 10}} }});