Now most of browsers are supporting IndexedDB to store data/file directly as File, Blob or ArrayBuffer.
This code saves a IDB key 'File1' as File
<input type="file" id="userfile" />
var a = document.getElementById("userfile");
var b = a.files[0];
Now we can directly save this file to IDB using the following code
//LocalForage is a library for indexedDB developed by Mozilla
//Note: localforage._config.driver=asyncStorage (IDB method)
function run(){
//"File1" = IDB data table key and b=value
localforage.setItem("File1", b, function(err, value) {
a.onchange = function(){
This code saves a IDB key 'BlobFile' as Blob
mb = new Blob([b],{type:b.type});
function runB(){
localforage.setItem("BlobFile", mb, function(err, value){
a.onchange = function(){
I want to know what is the best practice to store the file to IDB. (File/Blob/ArrayBuffer)
The files could be images or very small size videos.
I recommend using Blob for images & videos as the API is fairly straightforward for downloading as blob and saving to db, as well as retrieving from db and creating URL for src attribute
Check this sample here for implementation