Axios Http client - How to construct Http Post url with form params

mmraj picture mmraj · Aug 1, 2015 · Viewed 62.1k times · Source

I am trying to create a postHTTP request with some form parameters that are to be set. I am using the axios with node server. I already have a java code implementation of constructing a url as given below:


HttpPost post = new HttpPost(UriBuilder.fromUri (getProperty("authServerUrl"))

List<NameValuePair> formParams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();

formParams.add(new NameValuePair("username",getProperty ("username")));
formParams.add(new NameValuePair("password",getProperty ("password")));
formParams.add(new NameValuePair("client_id, "user-client"));

I am trying to do the same thing in axios.

AXIOS IMPLEMENTATION: +token_access_path,
                username: 'abcd', //gave the values directly for testing
                password: '1235!',
                client_id: 'user-client'
        }).then(function(response) {
            console.log(response); //no output rendered

Is the approach to set these form params on the post request correct?


cperez picture cperez · Aug 1, 2015

You have to do the following:

var querystring = require('querystring');
//... + token_access_path,
            username: 'abcd', //gave the values directly for testing
            password: '1235!',
            client_id: 'user-client'
    }), {
      headers: { 
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    }).then(function(response) {