In JavaScript ES6, there is a language feature known as destructuring. It exists across many other languages as well.
In JavaScript ES6, it looks like this:
var animal = {
species: 'dog',
weight: 23,
sound: 'woof'
var {species, sound} = animal
//The dog says woof!
console.log('The ' + species + ' says ' + sound + '!')
What can I do in C++ to get a similar syntax and emulate this kind of functionality?
In C++17 this is called structured bindings, which allows for the following:
struct animal {
std::string species;
int weight;
std::string sound;
int main()
auto pluto = animal { "dog", 23, "woof" };
auto [ species, weight, sound ] = pluto;
std::cout << "species=" << species << " weight=" << weight << " sound=" << sound << "\n";