I have a question about javascript logic what I use to get percent of two inputs from my text fields. Here is my code:
var pPos = $('#pointspossible').val();
var pEarned = $('#pointsgiven').val();
var perc = ((pEarned/pPos) * 100).toFixed(3);
For some reason if my inputs are 600 and 200, my result suppose to be 33.333 but I'm getting 3.333. If I hard code my values this works fine. If anyone can help I appreciate that. Thanks in advance.
You can use this
function percentage(partialValue, totalValue) {
return (100 * partialValue) / totalValue;
Example to calculate the percentage of a course progress base in their activities.
const totalActivities = 10;
const doneActivities = 2;
percentage(doneActivities, totalActivities) // Will return 20 that is 20%