Mouseover or hover vue.js

Anders Andersen picture Anders Andersen · Jun 18, 2015 · Viewed 223.7k times · Source

I would like to show a div when hovering over an element in vue.js. But I can't seem to get it working.

It looks like there is no event for hover or mouseover in vue.js. Is this really true?

Would it be possible to combine jquery hover and vue methods?


shakee93 picture shakee93 · Oct 24, 2016

i feel above logics for hover is incorrect. it just inverse when mouse hovers. i have used below code. it seems to work perfectly alright.

<div @mouseover="upHere = true" @mouseleave="upHere = false" >
    <h2> Something Something </h2>
    <some-component v-show="upHere"></some-component>

on vue instance

data : {
    upHere : false

Hope that helps