I'm trying to create a simple form with react, but facing difficulty having the data properly bind to the defaultValue of the form.
The behavior I'm looking for is this:
However, right now, I'm finding that the Text input field is blank every time I refresh the page. (Though what I type into the input does save properly and persist.) I think this is because the input text field's html loads when the AwayMessage is an empty object, but doesn't refresh when the awayMessage loads. Also, I'm unable to specify a default value for the field.
I removed some of the code for clarity (i.e. onToggleChange)
window.Pages ||= {}
Pages.AwayMessages = React.createClass
getInitialState: ->
App.API.fetchAwayMessage (data) =>
@setState awayMessage:data.away_message
{awayMessage: {}}
onTextChange: (event) ->
console.log "VALUE", event.target.value
onSubmit: (e) ->
window.a = @
awayMessage = {}
console.log "value of text", @refs["text"].getDOMNode().value
awayMessage: (awayMessage)->
console.log "I'm saving", awayMessage
App.API.saveAwayMessage awayMessage, (data) =>
if data.status == 'ok'
notificationActions.notify("Away Message saved.")
@setState awayMessage:awayMessage
render: ->
console.log "AWAY_MESSAGE", this.state.awayMessage
awayMessageText = if this.state.awayMessage then this.state.awayMessage.text else "Placeholder Text"
`<div className="away-messages">
<div className="header">
<h4>Away Messages</h4>
<div className="content">
<div className="input-group">
<label for="master_toggle">On?</label>
<input ref="master_toggle" type="checkbox" onChange={this.onToggleChange} defaultChecked={this.state.awayMessage.master_toggle} />
<div className="input-group">
<label for="text">Text</label>
<input ref="text" onChange={this.onTextChange} defaultValue={awayMessageText} />
<div className="footer">
<button className="button2" onClick={this.close}>Close</button>
<button className="button1" onClick={this.onSubmit}>Save</button>
my console.log for AwayMessage shows the following:
AWAY_MESSAGE Object {id: 1, company_id: 1, text: "Sample Text", master_toggle: false}
Another way of fixing this is by changing the key
of the input.
<input ref="text" key={this.state.awayMessage ? 'notLoadedYet' : 'loaded'} onChange={this.onTextChange} defaultValue={awayMessageText} />
Since this get upvotes, I will have to say that you should properly have a disabled
or readonly
prop while the content is loading, so you don't decrease the ux experience.
And yea, it is most likely a hack, but it gets the job done.. ;-)