Verifying function call and inspecting arguments using sinon spies

filur picture filur · Apr 22, 2015 · Viewed 44k times · Source

I would like to verify that bar() is called inside foo() from my unit test.

I figured that Sinon spies might be suitable, but I don't know how to use them.

Is there any way to check that the method is called? Perhaps even extracting the arguments used in the bar() call?

var spy = sinon.spy(foo);

function foo(){

function bar(){ }


// what to do with the spy?


phtrivier picture phtrivier · Apr 22, 2015

In your case, you are trying to see if bar was called, so you want to spy bar rather than foo.

As described in the doc :

function bar(x,y) {
  console.debug(x, y);
function foo(z) {
  bar(z, z+1);
// Spy on the function "bar" of the global object.
var spy = sinon.spy(window, "bar");

// Now, the "bar" function has been replaced by a "Spy" object
// (so this is not necessarily what you want to do) 


bar.getCall(0).args => should be [1,2]

Now, spying on the internals of the function strongly couples your test of "foo" to its implementation, so you'll fall into the usual "mockist vs classical" debate.