Call a function each x second in requestAnimationFrame

Siamak A.Motlagh picture Siamak A.Motlagh · Apr 20, 2015 · Viewed 7k times · Source

I'm working on some personal project by Three.js. I'm using requestAnimationFrame function. I want to call a function each 2 seconds. I've search but I couldn't find anything useful.

My code is like this:

function render() {
   // each 2 seconds call the createNewObject() function
   if(eachTwoSecond) {
   renderer.render(scene, camera);

Any Idea?


hindmost picture hindmost · Apr 20, 2015

requestAnimationFrame passes single parameter to your callback which indicates the current time (in ms) when requestAnimationFrame fires the callback. You can use it to calculate time interval between render() calls.

var last = 0; // timestamp of the last render() call
function render(now) {
    // each 2 seconds call the createNewObject() function
    if(!last || now - last >= 2*1000) {
        last = now;
    renderer.render(scene, camera);