Can I access parameters in my protractor configuration file?

Julio picture Julio · Apr 2, 2015 · Viewed 22.9k times · Source

I start my protractor tests by running the following:

protractor protractor.conf.js --params.baseUrl= --suite all

I would like to run a 'before launch' function which is dependant of one parameter (in this case, the baseUrl). Is it that possible?

exports.config = {
    seleniumServerJar: './node_modules/protractor/selenium/selenium-server-standalone-2.45.0.jar',
    seleniumPort: 4455,
    suites: {
        all: 'test/*/*.js',
    capabilities: {
        'browserName': 'firefox'
    beforeLaunch: function() {
        console.log('I want to access my baseUrl parameter here: ' + config.params.baseUrl);
    onPrepare: function() {

            new jasmine.JUnitXmlReporter('output/xmloutput', true, true));


If I run that I get a ReferenceError because config is not defined. How should I do that? Is that even possible?


alecxe picture alecxe · Apr 2, 2015

I am not completely sure if protractor globals are set at the beforeLaunch() stage, but they are definitely available at onPrepare() step.

Access the params object through the global browser object:


Update: Using Jasmine 2.6+, protractor 4.x, browser.params was empty, but the following worked in onPrepare() step:
