I am looking for a trick to put my website in fullscreen mode without human interaction.
I've found some examples using HTML5's techniques, but all of then needs to be triggered by a human interaction.
This website will be displayed in a TV ...
I already think in load the website using a SWF file in fullscreen mode, but instead of going to this direction, I would like to stress all possibilities using just the default pattern (html, css and javascript)
You can't force a website to display in fullscreen mode.
Imagine the security concerns if that were possible.
Malicious websites could "Hijack" a less computer literate person's desktop for all kinds of dubious business.
All of JS fullscreen api's will throw a error like this:
"Failed to execute 'requestFullScreen' on 'Element': API can only be initiated by a user gesture."
If you try to simply call it from your code.
I'm pretty darn sure Flash is similar, in that it requires user interaction to go fullscreen. Otherwise, we'd have seen our fair share of fullscreen popups that are nearly impossible to close.