How to create a React Modal(which is append to `<body>`) with transitions?

jiyinyiyong picture jiyinyiyong · Mar 2, 2015 · Viewed 48.9k times · Source

There is a modal in this answer which is creating a React-based Modal by appending it to <body>. However, I found it not compatible with the transition addons provided by React.

How to create one with transitions(during enter and leave)?


Gil Birman picture Gil Birman · Mar 3, 2015

At react conf 2015, Ryan Florence demonstrated using portals. Here's how you can create a simple Portal component...

var Portal = React.createClass({
  render: () => null,
  portalElement: null,
  componentDidMount() {
    var p = this.props.portalId && document.getElementById(this.props.portalId);
    if (!p) {
      var p = document.createElement('div'); = this.props.portalId;
    this.portalElement = p;
  componentWillUnmount() {
  componentDidUpdate() {
    React.render(<div {...this.props}>{this.props.children}</div>, this.portalElement);

and then everything you can normally do in React you can do inside of the portal...

    <Portal className="DialogGroup">
       <ReactCSSTransitionGroup transitionName="Dialog-anim">
         { activeDialog === 1 && 
            <div key="0" className="Dialog">
              This is an animated dialog
            </div> }

jsbin demo

You can also have a look at Ryan's react-modal, although I haven't actually used it so I don't know how well it works with animation.