Detect if page is loaded inside WKWebView in JavaScript

andr111 picture andr111 · Mar 1, 2015 · Viewed 17.8k times · Source

How can I reliably detect using javascript that a page is loaded inside a WKWebView? I'd like to be able to detect these scenarios:

  • iOS & WKWebView
  • iOS & Safari
  • not iOS

There is a similar question about UIWebView here. But it's quite old and I'm not sure if same still applies to WKWebView.


hexalys picture hexalys · May 28, 2015

The accepted answer doesn't work as tested using the WKWebView vs UIWebView app

As the article mentions, the only HTML5 feature difference is IndexedDB support. So I'd go for a more reliable pattern with:

    if (navigator.platform.substr(0,2) === 'iP'){
      //iOS (iPhone, iPod or iPad)
      var lte9 = /constructor/i.test(window.HTMLElement);
      var nav = window.navigator, ua = nav.userAgent, idb = !!window.indexedDB;
      if (ua.indexOf('Safari') !== -1 && ua.indexOf('Version') !== -1 && !nav.standalone){      
        //Safari (WKWebView/Nitro since 6+)
      } else if ((!idb && lte9) || !window.statusbar.visible) {
      } else if ((window.webkit && window.webkit.messageHandlers) || !lte9 || idb){

You may ask: Why not using the UserAgent? That's because Android browsers use it as settings! So, we should never trust any UAs. Only browser features and property checks as such.

Also I noticed that the QuickTime plugin was always loaded as part of Older Safari and other Browsers in UIWebView. But the plugin is no longer present in WKWebView. So you can use the QuickTime plugin presence as an extra check.

9/23/16 Edit: I adjusted the code for Safari 10 which no longer allowed the sole idb check to be reliable, as mentioned by @xmnboy. To discard Safari 10, it checks for the old webkit engine bug, which only applied until Safari 9.2; and i use a window.statusbar.visible fallback which appears to be a reliable indicator signal after a few comparison tests between iOS 9 and 10. (please check though)