How can I use if condition on the meteor template?

Phirum picture Phirum · Feb 23, 2015 · Viewed 15.9k times · Source

I want to use an if condition in a Meteor Blaze template. Let's say you have a helper users on the Users collection you want to iterate through tasks and if the username is admin, use a "red" style:

    {{#each users}}
        <li {{#if(name==admin)}}class="red"{{/if}}>{{name}}</li>


Dan Dascalescu picture Dan Dascalescu · Feb 23, 2015

Meteor uses Spacebars, a variant of Handlebars, which are "logicless" templates. You need to define a Template helper, then use it in the {{#if}}.{
  isAdmin: function (name) {
    return name === "admin"
  {{#each users}}
    <li {{#if isAdmin name}}class="red"{{/if}}>{{name}}</li>