I am using groupBy from angular-filter to group an array of objects by their date property.
<div ng-repeat="(day, dayEvents) in events | groupBy: 'date' )">
<h3>{{ day | date: mediumDate }}</h3>
Which produces the following:
Feb 9, 2015
Feb 10, 2015
Feb 11, 2015
Feb 12, 2015
How can I reverse the order to start from the most recent date? When I print to the console the array is printed with the order I want:
Object {
1423699200000: Array[1],
1423612800000: Array[7],
1423526400000: Array[11],
1423440000000: Array[1]
I also wrote a custom filter to reverse the order after the groupBy:
.filter("reverseOrder", function() {
function sortNumber(a,b) {
return parseInt(b) - parseInt(a);
return function(collection) {
var keys = Object.keys(collection).sort(sortNumber);
var reveredCollection= {};
var length=collection.length;
angular.forEach(keys, function(key) {
reveredCollection[key] = collection[key];
return reveredCollection;
Which I have applied like this:
<div ng-repeat="(day, dayEvents) in events | groupBy: 'date' | reverseOrder )">
<h3>{{ day | date: mediumDate }}</h3>
Recently had the same issue. groupBy
creates an object, but the orderBy
needs an array, so there's a little bit of funkiness involved. I ended up getting the answer straight from their issues page where one of the authors does an excellent job of explaining it complete with code samples that was basically copy/paste for me.