I would like to use this Node.js module https://www.npmjs.com/package/remarkable-regexp in my Ember-CLI application.
How do I make it available to the Ember application?
I tried it by adding this to the Brocfile.js
but it fails like this:
Path or pattern "node_modules/remarkable-regexp/index.js" did not match any files
Since remarkable-regexp
is a npm module, I believe the best way to integrate it with ember-cli is by using ember-browserify.
Within your ember-cli app you can install the addon by running npm install --save-dev ember-browserify
So, you can import the modules using ES6 import by prefixing it with npm:
import Remarkable from 'npm:remarkable';
import Plugin from 'npm:remarkable-regexp';
var plugin = Plugin(
// regexp to match
// this function will be called when something matches
function(match, utils) {
var url = 'http://example.org/u/' + match[1]
return '<a href="' + utils.escape(url) + '">'
+ utils.escape(match[1])
+ '</a>'
new Remarkable()
.render("hello @user")
// prints out:
// <p>hello <a href="http://example.org/u/user">user</a></p>