Jquery Stop Fadein / Fadeout

wesbos picture wesbos · May 10, 2010 · Viewed 39.2k times · Source

This is a fairly easy one, but I cant seem to figure it out.

Basically I have a jquery hover that fades in a div and fades out the other upon hover.

When I quickly hover on and off a few times it pulses back and forth for about 3-4 seconds to finish all those fade in/fade outs.

I generally stop these things with .stop(), but it doesnt seem to do the trick here. How can I kill the fade in if I hover off the button before the an`$(".txtWrap").stop().hover(

  function () {

  function () {


user113716 picture user113716 · May 10, 2010

Your stop() is misplaced.

Try this:

  function () {
  //  $('#timeTxt').fadeOut();
  //  $('#timeTxtDesc').fadeIn();

  function () {


This will animate the elements' opacity without hiding the element. If you want them hidden, use .hide() you'll need to add a callback to the animate function.

  function () {
    $(this).find('.txtBock').stop().animate({opacity:0}, 500);
    $(this).find('.txtDesc').animate({opacity:1}, 500);
  //  $('#timeTxt').fadeOut();
  //  $('#timeTxtDesc').fadeIn();

  function () {
    $(this).find('.txtBock').animate({opacity:1}, 500);
    $(this).find('.txtDesc').stop().animate({opacity:0}, 500);