HTML5 How to replace WebAudio API for Internet Explorer for javascript games?

Sebastien Dionne picture Sebastien Dionne · Dec 30, 2014 · Viewed 8.2k times · Source

I'm new with audio in html. I found some nice examples for little javascript games. Want I try to load the games in Internet Explorer, I got : "Web api audio is not supported in this browser".

I found this site : and look like Internet Explorer doesn't support it.

I found also SoundManager 2 that seem to work on all browsers.

My question, is there is a way to detect if the browser support WebApiAudio and offering a fallback if is not supported ?

I want to be able to offer the same functionality on all differents browsers, but I have no idea how to do that at this point.

One nice feature is able to play multiple sounds in the same time with ajustable volume sound (like explosions).

I want to create a helloworld that I could run on PC, Mac, Android and Ipad. Is it possible ?

thanks a lot for my multiple questions.

I check this demo : the sound works fine in Firefox, but in Internet Explorer there is only music, not sound effects


William picture William · Dec 30, 2014

My question, is there is a way to detect if the browser support WebApiAudio and offering a fallback if is not supported ?

"use strict"

function audioContextCheck() {
    if (typeof AudioContext !== "undefined") {
        return new AudioContext();
    } else if (typeof webkitAudioContext !== "undefined") {
        return new webkitAudioContext();
    } else if (typeof mozAudioContext !== "undefined") {
        return new mozAudioContext();
    } else {

       // Do stuff with soundmanager or something else if Web Audio API is not supported

var audioContext = audioContextCheck();