I am new to node.js programming .I am using nodemailer module for sending emails.
const nodemailer = require ('nodemailer'),
var mailTransport=nodemailer.createTransport({
auth: {
user : credentials.gmail.user,
pass : credentials.gmail.password,
function sendMail(mail_id){
from: ' "my name" <[email protected]>',
to : mail_id, //[email protected]
subject : 'Hello',
text: "Hello How do u do ?",
console.log('Unable to send the mail :'+err.message);
console.log('Message response : '+info.response);
This is my program for sending emails to different users. But I am getting Invalid Login . I don't have any idea why this is coming . I am new to node.js and server side scripting.
I am using my gmail username and password for credentials.
Please help me.
One reason could be the 'modern security standard' protection from Gmail.
Check you gmail inbox for any new mail having subject "Google Account: sign-in attempt blocked"
If yes, open the mail and click on the link https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps
set 'Access for less secure apps' to 'Turn on'. Try again, it should be working now.