How to have different return values for multiple calls on a Jasmine spy

mikhail picture mikhail · Nov 13, 2014 · Viewed 55.8k times · Source

Say I'm spying on a method like this:

spyOn(util, "foo").andReturn(true);

The function under test calls multiple times.

Is it possible to have the spy return true the first time it's called, but return false the second time? Or is there a different way to go about this?


Ocean picture Ocean · Feb 1, 2016

You can use spy.and.returnValues (as Jasmine 2.4).

for example

describe("A spy, when configured to fake a series of return values", function() {
  beforeEach(function() {
    spyOn(util, "foo").and.returnValues(true, false);

  it("when called multiple times returns the requested values in order", function() {

There is some thing you must be careful about, there is another function will similar spell returnValue without s, if you use that, jasmine will not warn you.