How to view JavaScript console on Android (and iOS)?

Mawg says reinstate Monica picture Mawg says reinstate Monica · Sep 9, 2014 · Viewed 20.1k times · Source

I am creating a purely browser based app - HTML and JavaScript.

I do not have an Android IDE installed (nor one for iOS) - and would prefer not to have to install one and perform remote debugging.

Developing on my PC, I use the Chrome browser and the developer tools to view the JavaScript console in order to debug.

How can I do that on an Android tablet (or, later, iOS)? I prefer a purely browser based solution, but could accept an Android/iOS based app.


Nisim Joseph picture Nisim Joseph · Mar 18, 2019

Just released for iOS, Chrome 73 now supports the option to see console.log.

If you’re a website developer, you can now view JavaScript console messages. Navigate to chrome://inspect to enable, then perform desired actions in another tab. Switch back to the same chrome://inspect tab to view any printed JavaScript console logs.

see here in "What's New" section or in "version history" 73.x version.