Android Webkit: Absolutely positioned elements don't respect z-index

c_harm picture c_harm · Apr 1, 2010 · Viewed 17.1k times · Source

Nasty little bug, this one.

As illustrated in Android ticket 6721, the Android browser seems to not respect z-index when absolutely positioned elements are laid over the top of <a> or <input> tags. I am desperate for any sort of workaround. Has anybody conquered this one before?

Thanks in advance!


Paul de Vrieze picture Paul de Vrieze · Apr 8, 2010

This problem is probably related to controls and their being special for the browser. While looking at your problem (in chromium) I found a related problem that when you press the tab key you will still be able to focus the input elements. You probably don't want this either (regardless of bleedthrough). The solution is surprisingly simple, you write your script to add the disabled attribute to all input/button/etc. elements that are overlayed. A disabled input will not be able to receive focus (by keyboard or otherwise), and clicking it should be impossible.

As this also disables silly keyboard circumnavigation it is not even a workaround, but a better design that also works with keyboard based navigation as expected.