How to generate a pdf from html web page?

Alejandro Hinestrosa picture Alejandro Hinestrosa · Jul 30, 2014 · Viewed 99.9k times · Source

I'm looking for a library to transform my web page into a PDF file after click event from a button. I'm trying jspdf, but it prints without the CSS, how can I make this using JavaScript/jQuery and keep my CSS? Or another CSS that I can choose?


kstubs picture kstubs · Jul 30, 2014

There is a new jQuery + cloud solution that will render any HTML page and its CSS (including print media rules) to PDF. The solution is setup to print any region of your webpage, you just tell the Formatter which container element you want to print and the library does the rest. What you get back is an embeddable PDF or the backend will push back a PDF for download.

Here's your library (GitHub):

Here's your fiddle:

Here's a working demo:

Currently there are not useage instructions, but following along with the samples (view source) should be pretty self-explanatory (look for the Print It buttons) and here is, more or less the additional options/parameters that the Format method understands.

    pageWidth: "8.5in",             
    pageHeight: "11in", 
    pageMargin: ".25in", 
    pageMarginTop: "1in",
    pageMarginRight: "1in",
    pageMarginBottom: "1in",
    pageMarginLeft: "1in",
    render: ("none"|"newwin<default>"|embed"|"download<default IE>"),
    foStyle: { 
        // puts fo style attributes on the root, ex. fontSize:14px
        foStyleName: 'value', ...

Here is list of CSS attributes that are currently supported.

    'backgroundImage', 'backgroundPosition', 'backgroundRepeat', 'backgroundColor',
    'borderWidth', 'borderColor','borderStyle',
    'clear', 'color', 
    'display', 'direction', 'dominantBaseline', 
    'fill', 'float', 
    'fontStyle', 'fontVariant', 'fontWeight', 'fontSize', 'fontFamily', 
    'listStyleType', 'listStyleImage', 'letterSpacing', 
    'marginTop', 'marginBottom', 'marginLeft', 'marginRight','orphans', 
    'paddingTop', 'paddingRight', 'paddingBottom', 'paddingLeft',
    'pageBreakAfter', 'pageBreakBefore', 
    'textAlign', 'textAnchor','textDecoration', 'textIndent', 'textTransform', 
    'widows', 'wordSpacing', 'width'

Hope this helps!