I am trying to add an attribute when using a wysiwyg editor that uses "createLink" command. I thought it would be trivial to get back the node that is created after the browse executes that command.
Turns out, I am only able to grab this newly created node in IE. Any ideas?
The following code demonstrates the issue (debug logs at bottom show different output in each browser):
var getSelectedHTML = function() {
if ($.browser.msie) {
return this.getRange().htmlText;
} else {
var elem = this.getRange().cloneContents();
return $("<p/>").append($(elem)).html();
var getSelection = function() {
if ($.browser.msie) {
return this.editor.selection;
} else {
return this.iframe[0].contentDocument.defaultView.getSelection();
var getRange = function() {
var s = this.getSelection();
return (s.getRangeAt) ? s.getRangeAt(0) : s.createRange();
var getSelectedNode = function() {
var range = this.getRange();
var parent = range.commonAncestorContainer ? range.commonAncestorContainer :
range.parentElement ? range.parentElement():
return parent;
if ($.browser.msie) {
this.ec("createLink", true);
} else {
this.ec("createLink", false, prompt("Link URL:", "http://"));
var linkNode = $(this.getSelectedNode());
linkNode.attr("rel", "external");
// Gecko: "body"
// IE: "a"
// Webkit: "undefined"
// Gecko: "<a href="http://site.com">foo</a>"
// IE: "<A href="http://site.com" rel=external>foo</A>"
// Webkit: "foo"
// Gecko: "foo"
// IE: [object Selection]
// Webkit: "foo"
Thanks for any help on this, I've scoured related questions on SO with no success!
This is the code I've used to get the "parentNode" of the text cursor:
var getSelectedNode = function() {
var node,selection;
if (window.getSelection) {
selection = getSelection();
node = selection.anchorNode;
if (!node && document.selection) {
selection = document.selection
var range = selection.getRangeAt ? selection.getRangeAt(0) : selection.createRange();
node = range.commonAncestorContainer ? range.commonAncestorContainer :
range.parentElement ? range.parentElement() : range.item(0);
if (node) {
return (node.nodeName == "#text" ? node.parentNode : node);
I tweaked my IE method to approximate yours. Tested and working IE8, FF3.6, Safari4, Chrome5. I set up a jsbin preview that you can test with.