I have using dropzone.js in mvc by following this tutorial for uploading images but after uploading the image the thumbnail image still showing and I need it to be removed after every time I upload an image.
I have tried to replace the generated HTML after uploading the image using jQuery but it not showing correctly as the first time I need to refresh the page to show correctly but I don't want to do that.
$("#ImageUpload").replaceWith('<form action="/Products/SaveUploadedFile" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="dropzone dz-clickable" id="dropzoneForm">'
+'<div class="fallback">'
+'<input name="file" type="file" multiple />'
+'<input type="submit" value="Upload" />'
You can try this:
myDropzone.on("complete", function(file) {
More information here: http://www.dropzonejs.com/#dropzone-methods