I'd like to dispatch an event that will pass some data to any event listeners that listen on that event.
Considering a function that fires an event:
function click() {
const x = 'foo'
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('clicked'))
How can I pass custom data to the event listener?
document.addEventListener('clicked', function(e) {
console.log(x) // logs "foo"
Perhaps you are looking for event.detail
new CustomEvent('eventName', {'detail': data})
Instead of data use x and in event listener you can access x using event.detail
function getSelectionBounds() {
var x = (bounds["x"].toFixed(2));
var y = "xyz";
var selectionFired = new CustomEvent("selectionFired", {
"detail": {"x":x,"y":y }
document.addEventListener("selectionFired", function (e) {
alert(e.detail.x+" "+e.detail.y);