I am using Bootstrap Popver. I have inserted some data in the popover and want to insert a image as well. This is what I have tried.
var img = '<div id = "image"><img src = "http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/71832000/jpg/_71832498_71825880.jpg" /></div>';
var button = "<button title = " + obj.hostname + ", " + gpu.toUpperCase() +
" data-content = \"" + metric_name[metric] + ": " + display_val + img + "\"" +
" data-id=\"" + detailed_summary + "\"" +
" data-text = \"" + obj.hostname + ", " + gpu.toUpperCase() + ", " + metric_name[metric] + ": " + display_val + "\"" +
" class=\"btn " + button_state + " gpu btn-lg open-InfoModal\"" +
" data-toggle=\"modal\" " +
" data-html=\"true\" " +
" rel=\"popover\" " +
" data-target=\"#hostInfo\" " +
" href=\"#infoModal\"></button>";
trigger: "hover",
placement: get_popover_placement,
html: true
I have seen some examples on Stack Overflow, but it didn't work for me as I want to insert it inside the button declaration.