HTML table in pdfkit (Expressjs-Nodejs)

Sachin picture Sachin · May 13, 2014 · Viewed 32.3k times · Source

I am using pdfkit to generate PDF file and I want to send this PDF file to browser. My following code is working fine and I am getting one pdf with text.

Actually following code is sample to generate PDF using pdfkit in Node.js but now I want to create html table.

Latest Code

var PDFDocument = require("pdfkit");
var fs = require("fs");
doc = new PDFDocument();
doc.moveTo(300, 75)
    .lineTo(373, 301)
    .lineTo(181, 161)
    .lineTo(419, 161)
    .lineTo(227, 301)
    .fill("red", "even-odd");

var loremIpsum = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in...";

doc.y = 320;
doc.text(loremIpsum, {
    paragraphGap: 10,
    indent: 20,
    align: "justify",
    columns: 2

But I don't have any idea how to generate HTML table in pdf using pdfkit?

Can any one help me to create HTML table PDF?


Sebastian Medina picture Sebastian Medina · Feb 5, 2018
function example(){    
var doc = new PDFDocument();

var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('filename.pdf');
//line to the middle
  .moveTo(270, 90)
  .lineTo(270, 230)

row(doc, 90);
row(doc, 110);
row(doc, 130);
row(doc, 150);
row(doc, 170);
row(doc, 190);
row(doc, 210);

textInRowFirst(doc, 'Nombre o razón social', 100);
textInRowFirst(doc, 'RUT', 120);
textInRowFirst(doc, 'Dirección', 140);
textInRowFirst(doc, 'Comuna', 160);
textInRowFirst(doc, 'Ciudad', 180);
textInRowFirst(doc, 'Telefono', 200);
textInRowFirst(doc, 'e-mail', 220);

writeStream.on('finish', function () {
  // do stuff with the PDF file
  return res.status(200).json({
    ok: "ok"


function textInRowFirst(doc, text, heigth) {
  doc.y = heigth;
  doc.x = 30;
  doc.text(text, {
    paragraphGap: 5,
    indent: 5,
    align: 'justify',
    columns: 1,
  return doc

function row(doc, heigth) {
    .rect(30, heigth, 500, 20)
  return doc

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