How to display loading percentage and how to do it without javascript?

Marwan Ossama picture Marwan Ossama · Apr 25, 2014 · Viewed 24.4k times · Source

I want to make something similar to loaders in PHP so I used this code:

while($x<=100) {
   echo "Loading: $x %<br>";

So that it would display from "Loading 1%" to "Loading 100%". But this will result in all appearing one at a time without disappearing after the new line appears. So I want to know how to make the new line appear and the old disappear and this starts after the page loads, so the user will be able to watch a loader actually loading from 1% to 100%.

UPDATE: I know I should use JS and/or Ajax to achieve it, I just wanted to know if there's a way to also do it in PHP :)


Anri picture Anri · Apr 25, 2014

PHP is a server side language and it give you response based on request .

you can not manipulate (like you want) on DOM .

for this you should use javascript and AJAX to change DOM elements based on PHP result