Difference between MEAN.js and MEAN.io

CMPSoares picture CMPSoares · Apr 21, 2014 · Viewed 110.2k times · Source

I wanted to use the MEAN JavaScript Stack, but I noticed that there are two different stacks with either their own website and installation methods: mean.js and mean.io. So I came up asking myself this question: "Which one do I use?".

So in order to answer this question I ask the community if you could explain what are the differences between these two? And if possible pros and cons? Because they look very similar to me.


sdude picture sdude · Apr 22, 2014

They're essentially the same... They both use swig for templating, they both use karma and mocha for tests, passport integration, nodemon, etc.

Why so similar? Mean.js is a fork of Mean.io and both initiatives were started by the same guy... Mean.io is now under the umbrella of the company Linnovate and looks like the guy (Amos Haviv) stopped his collaboration with this company and started Mean.js. You can read more about the reasons here.

Now... main (or little) differences you can see right now are:


Mean.io uses a custom cli tool named 'mean'
Mean.js uses Yeoman Generators


Mean.io uses a more self-contained node packages modularity with client and server files inside the modules.
Mean.js uses modules just in the front-end (for angular), and connects them with Express. Although they were working on vertical modules as well...


Mean.io has recently moved to gulp
Mean.js uses grunt


Both have Dockerfiles in their respective repos, and Mean.io has one-click install on Google Compute Engine, while Mean.js can also be deployed with one-click install on Digital Ocean.


Mean.io has ok docs
Mean.js has AWESOME docs


Mean.io has a bigger community since it was the original boilerplate
Mean.js has less momentum but steady growth

On a personal level, I like more the philosophy and openness of MeanJS and more the traction and modules/packages approach of MeanIO. Both are nice, and you'll end probably modifying them, so you can't really go wrong picking one or the other. Just take them as starting point and as a learning exercise.


MEAN is a generic way (coined by Valeri Karpov) to describe a boilerplate/framework that takes "Mongo + Express + Angular + Node" as the base of the stack. You can find frameworks with this stack that use other denomination, some of them really good for RAD (Rapid Application Development) and building SPAs. Eg:

You also have Hackathon Starter. It doesn't have A of MEAN (it is 'MEN'), but it rocks..

Have fun!