Convert date from milliseconds to ISODate object

Sid Thakur picture Sid Thakur · Mar 27, 2014 · Viewed 14.3k times · Source

I am trying to aggregate records in a MongoDB collection by hour and need to convert date stored as timestamp (milliseconds) to ISODate so that I can use aggregate framework's built-in date operators ($hour, $month, etc.)

Records are stored as

"data" : { "UserId" : "abc", "ProjId" : "xyz"}, 
"time" : NumberLong("1395140780706"),
"_id" : ObjectId("532828ac338ed9c33aa8eca7") 

I am trying to use an aggregate query of following type:
       $match : { 
         "time" : { $gte : 1395186209804, $lte : 1395192902825 } 
       $project : {
         _id : "$_id", 
         dt : {$concat : (Date("$time")).toString()} // need to project as ISODate
    // process records further in $project or $group clause

which produces results of the form:

    "result" : [
            "_id" : ObjectId("5328da21fd207d9c3567d3ec"), 
            "dt" : "Fri Mar 21 2014 17:35:46 GMT-0400 (EDT)" 
            "_id" : ObjectId("5328da21fd207d9c3567d3ed"), 
            "dt" : "Fri Mar 21 2014 17:35:46 GMT-0400 (EDT)" 

I want to extract hour, day, month, and year from the date but since time is projected forward as string I am unable to use aggregate framework's built-in date operators ($hour, etc.).

How can I convert time from milliseconds to ISO date to do sometime like the following:
        $match : { 
            "time" : { $gte : 1395186209804, $lte : 1395192902825 } 
        $project : {
            _id : "$_id",
            dt : <ISO date from "$time">
        $project : {
            _id : "$_id",
            date : { 
                hour : {$hour : "$dt"} 


Astral picture Astral · Jan 7, 2015

Actually, it is possible, the trick is to add your milliseconds time to a zero-milliseconds Date() object using syntax similar to:

dt : {$add: [new Date(0), "$time"]}

I modified your aggregation from above to produce the result:
        $project : {
            _id : "$_id",
            dt : {$add: [new Date(0), "$time"]}
        $project : {
            _id : "$_id",
            date : { 
                hour : {$hour : "$dt"} 

The result is (with one entry of your sample data):

  "result": [
      "_id": ObjectId("532828ac338ed9c33aa8eca7"),
      "date": {
        "hour": 11
  "ok": 1